Me to Sher: 我幫你梳頭髮
Sher: 你 botak head.

因为有人决定缺席,让我有机会跑更长的路。 200米,瞬间已过。 传递圣火的前一晚,我梦到火炬好重,没握好,手软。 早上起床时,我想:我应该和旁人挥手吗?好像很尴尬leh。 离开家里,恰巧碰到圣火来到SRJC。学生们志气高昂,居民街边支持。 被气氛感染,突然间也兴奋起来! 火炬一到面前,之前briefing所听到的一切,已经忘记。脑袋一片空白。 接过火炬,抬头望了那烈火一眼。 哇~真的耶。是有火的咯! 开始跑,另一只手也自然开始在空中挥动起来。 回想起来,心中无比奋腾。 今早看报纸,一名12岁的小学男生,一路陪着圣火跑了15km! 无私地,只想拍照留念,却因为感染到圣火的热情,所以跑了比预计还长的路。 即使下大雨,太阳暴晒,他还是一路地跑。 心中感动,不知不觉地热泪盈眶。 火炬手们,说穿了,只是为了自己脸上的光。 但是小弟却是秉持着一刻单纯的心,真正支持着这个活动。 我想这才是真正的奥运精神。 不是运动员才能体现奥运精神,奥运精神包含了运动员的体育精神,以及旁人的一分参与感。 大人们只会冷眼的批评,与小孩那分真诚的支持与兴奋相比,真的太渺小了。 固然,我们在主办方面或许无法做的像别的大国好,但在这个时候,大家或许应该把任何冷言冷语放一旁,真正好好地享受这个或许一身中,只在新加坡发生一次的盛事。

I realized that my post on coin dozer is getting increasingly popular, so since I’ve completed the game over the weekend, and here are some tips that I can offer you lazy bums who came to this blog from googling for cheats to this game:

1. This is the most important strategy! Try to drop two or three coins at a single time, in one single roll, so that the pushing force is stronger. Somehow, it also helps to maintain a straight push, rather than one that makes your coin or prizes go sideways. Like this:

2. Unlock the gems collection. That will give you 3 coins for every one coin that you manage to collect.

3. Combine 1 and 2, and you’ll have ENDLESS coins to play with (at the end of my game, I have close to 3,000 coins). Basically, when you manage to do these, the challenge is then to be patient enough, keep playing (and praying for luck to receive prizes you lack) to unlock other collections which frankly speaking, in my opinion, are not challenges anymore.

Unlocking the bear collections only shortens the coin regeneration by 6seconds. Not much help there. Whistles may help since you never have to worry about losing prizes that fall off the gutter, but I realize whistles do not come by often.

Good Luck!

Should I delete the game now?